Monday, December 3, 2007

Stockton real estate

Any one looking to invest in Real Estate, should look to buy REO's (bank owned) properties. I am in the Stockton, Sacramento, Modesto, CA area.
I am a licenced "Realtor" Member of Lodi, California & National Association of Realtor. I specialized in first time buyer, I take my client by the hand if needed.
I walk with them the first time buying process.

Soy bilingue, hablo espaƱol pues vengo de un pais de Centroamerica.
Mi bandera es "la honestidad" y su logo "la verdad". Mi lema es que si no te puedo poner en papel y firmar lo que digo mejor no lo digo.
Por cualquier pregunta pueden llamarme al 209-401-3585.